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2021 Arts Publication and Media Outlet Award given to ºF-TV!

Earlier this summer ºFarenheight TV was among the 10 grassroots arts publications and media platforms who received the ‘Arts Publication and Media Outlet Award’ by @artsinboston !

Being granted this award means so much to me. I started ºF-TV initially as a way to build my portfolio as an aspiring producer but then it quickly turned into a passion project where I felt like I was living out my purpose; to help document and celebrate the greatness and powerful stories of our community leaders. I can’t say its always been easy… I produce, edit, animate, illustrate, host and everything in between and sometimes it feels exhausting but I prevail because I LOVE what I do.

One of the things I struggled with the most was funding this show. Working on an amateur artist’s budget is hard and in the earlier seasons of ºF-TV, I was so used to being rejected from grant applications that I just gave up and kept overworking to fund these productions myself. I don’t regret that struggle because it built my character but receiving this grant allows me to breathe a little and I am so grateful for that.

To the Mayor's Office of Arts & Culture THANK YOU for recognizing my work. I’m still unsure who nominated me, but to that person(s) THANK YOU for seeing me and believing in my potential. To all of our ºF-TV guests, thank you for trusting me to share your story. Thank you to all of the BNN crew volunteers who help our LIVE productions come true. Thank you to everyone who has genuinely supported me through this journey. I know I have so much to learn and I am often so hard on myself when I make mistakes BUT I am learning to be patient with my journey and so far I am really proud of my growth, both professionally and personally. I can’t wait to continue to create, produce and make ºF-TV history! Cheers to more episodes, more memories, more art! ✨Congratulations to all of the grantees!!!✨

With love & tremendous gratitude,

Farah ❤️


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