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S4EP2: Virtual Episode ft. Chef ºF & guests

Hi ºFarenheight TV family,

I hope you're in good spirits and most importantly, good health.

WOW where should I even begin...its been a full two weeks of quarantine (at least here in Boston) and I am still in disbelief that the Corona Virus has taken complete control of our world.

I am not going to lie, I NEVER thought it could get this BIG. When I first heard of COVID19, it felt like a distant cause that was effecting the other side of the world. Of course I felt sympathy for China and often thought about Thailand (which also has a big Chinese population). When the first case was reported in Massachusetts, this distant cause felt close at home. I was weary but still I remained comfortable. When Harvard University close its doors on its students, that is when I realized THIS IS REALLY BAD. Two days later my jobs close their doors and my world and everyone else's world change dramatically within days.

The past few days I've honestly been good. Being more of an introverted person, I enjoy my alone time HOWEVER not being able to travel as much, or spend time with my friends in person is weird. Not being on the MBTA everyday is weird. Not being at the TV studio is weird! #ImissBNN But amidst all that is happening in the world, I still had to keep my promise of creating content that will uplift, educate and inspire my audience.

One of the things I value everyday is people. In my first virtual episode, I wanted to check in with my ºF-TV family to see how they're doing. Some of my favorite guests shared how they are coping through the #coronavirus crisis, their advice on how to stay at peace during this difficult moment and some relief resources for the community. You can watch the FULL episode on our Youtube Channel but here are some quick updates below.

Art by Farah Jeune of @studiojeuneart

Lexy Gibson (S3EP12) is enjoying her family time and being cautious. She is explained how having this free time is a blessing to really bond with one another, rather that's virtually or with those you live with. Aside from keeping up with the latest research from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), she's baking, participating in Tik Toc challenges and keeping a positive attitude.

Art by Farah Jeune of @studiojeuneart

Jennifer Lettsome (S1EP3) is staying at home as much as possible, following the suggestions from CDC and trying to keep herself safe and her peers by avoiding everyone. She's staying productive by working from home and watching great films and shows on Netflix. She says she thinks it's important to acknowledge what you can and cannot control. "I can control myself, I can control my words and I can do my best to control my thoughts and I can control how much effort I put in with following the recommendations put out by the CDC. Remembering those things help me stay productive and positive."

Art by Farah Jeune of @studiojeuneart

Christian Walkes (S3EP15) reminded us to not be selfish during these times and stop hoarding. There's many people less fortunate than us who don't have access to the resources we're taking so much of. He also emphasize that everyone needs to do proper research and not allow the fear to take over your logic. "Everyone is in a panic and don't know how to act. Honestly I feel like people should calm down, take a breathier and just really focus on what's really important and making sure that you follow the (CDC) guidelines of whatever state you're in." He also encouraged us to find things to do "read a book, create an invention, write a book!" Take some time to do some self reflection and do your research. "When God is by your side, you can never fail. Keep the faith."

Art by Farah Jeune of @studiojeuneart

Amanda Shea (S3EP10) explained how she felt confused and anxious in the beginning of the epidemic. There's so much information coming out all at once and drastic changes to all of our daily lives that it can be very stressful. However, she's learned how to tame that anxiety by contacting her peers via Zoom chats and reconnecting with community members using technology. She also shared some very helpful resources (see more below) that can help those in need. She also encouraged us to ask for help. "If you need something, say something."

Art by Farah Jeune of @studiojeuneart

Brandi Cook (S3EP15) who will be celebrating her birthday this month, conveyed the power of staying optimistic and calm during these challenging times. "Be aware of what's going on and protect yourself and make sure you're staying in safe surroundings and taking the right precautions." Brandi believes that once this pandemic passes, we will all be in a better place mentally. She encourages us to manifest our intentions, stay uplifted and reflectively grow. "Keep it cool, keep it clean and stay blessed."

Art by Farah Jeune of @studiojeuneart

Jonn Beatty (Season 4 future guest) started off by giving his gratitude for our heroes on the field (i.e. medical professionals) and those who are effected by COVID19. He also conveyed that its important for us to ground ourselves in our environment by not only connecting with people on social media but also engaging in activities that don't make us feel trapped in our houses. "When the last time you played a board game?" We look forward to having him on ºF-TV later this season.

Art by Farah Jeune of @studiojeuneart

Eva Davenport (S3EP14) is focusing on reverting back to her inner child and asking her what she needs. She explained that going back to this place has been awakening for her creative spirit and allowing her to know herself even more. She also encouraged us to brainstorm our goals and then create realistic actions for those goals. If you're an artist, learn a new skill online, create new work or update your content/website. She shared many great COVID 19 relief resources for musicians (see below) that can help both financially and spiritually.

Art by Farah Jeune of @studiojeuneart

Linette Laureano (Season 4 future guest) is creating a new normal and also a new self care plan! She creates blocks of time where she avoids social media and reading COVID 19 articles all day. Doing this makes her stay productive and at peace. She also conveyed that in these challenging times, it really important for us to still support our community. "If you do want to help, focus on one thing and maximize that" and then trust your neighbor will do the same so that way "you can really rally around the power of community." Linette who also practices yoga created a Boston Wellness Provider List (see below) of wellness professionals who are still providing resources to our city and beyond. We look forward to having her on ºF-TV later this season.

Art by Farah Jeune of @studiojeuneart

Samantha Gottlich (S3EP18) really encouraged us to stay positive and productive during this time. Telling us to engage in free classes online, learning new skills and doing fun activities (like solo rollerblading). Even though she is living with Lupus, she is determined to still be active, hopeful and helpful during this epidemic. Support Samantha and others living with Lupus by supporting this petition.

We are so thankful to all of our guests (past & future) for taking the time to share with us their world, their advice and visions for the future. As promised, I wanted to share with you all a list of COVID19 Relief Resources in the state and nationwide. This list (which features shared resources from our guests) are for artists, freelancers & people interested in staying in touch with their health and wellness. We also have a few links dedicated to families. Hope this list will help you or someone you know.


Artists Relief Resources

Health & Wellness

Professional Development & Educational Opportunities

*Many Virtual Meeting websites are extending their FREE trials*



Emergency Remote Work Kits

Google Hangouts Meet


Please continue to follow the guidelines provided by the CDC, you can view their tips by visiting their website here, tuning in to your local credible news show or following them on social media.

Chef ºF also made an appearance in this video with a delicious Haitian comfort meal,

Labouyi Bannann aka Plantain Porridge.

This is one of my favorite comfort foods ever! My mom use to make this for us all the time as a kid and around the world in every Haitian household, its a traditional evening meal that brings people joy. Its sweet, nutritious and under $10-USD meal. Here are the ingredients you need. This serves 1-2 people.

Step 1: Add 3 cups of water to cooking pot. Add 1/2 tablespoon of Cinnamon & a pinch of salt .

Step 2: Take one plantain and cut the black ends off. Slice the skin off the corners of the plantain and slice the plantain into 1 inch slices. (Please be sure to wash Plantains before cutting them).

Step 3: Cut Plantain slices into cubes. Add those cubes into blender with 1 cup of water. Press the 'Puree' option on your blender. (Start off by adding 1/2 cup of water, add the rest as you blend to ensure it will Puree properly. You want a thick consistency.)

Step 4: Add Plantain puree into boiling water. Put heat on low and stir slowly.

Step 5: Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, 3 tablespoons of Sugar (add more if needed, don't make it too sweet) and 1 teaspoon of nutmeg. Stir slowly.

Step 6: Add 1 cup of Carnation Milk. Lactose Intolerant? Substitute Carnation Milk for Coconut Milk. Stir slowly.

Step 7: Add 1 Cinnamon Stick. Let porridge simmer for 3-5 mins with heat on low.

Serve and enjoy! I like to eat it with a side of bread (dip the bread in, so tasty). YUM!!! Watch the FULL episode on our Youtube Channel

Please continue to stay safe friends. We are incredibly thankful for all of our heroes out there (medical professionals, delivery drivers, grocery store clerks, gas stations, technology workers, etc.) who are fighting for our humanity and keeping us afloat. If you can, support these people by donating to a charity, keeping them in your prayers and continuing to practice social distancing. We love you all <3

Tune in to our next virtual episode Thursday, April 23rd LIVE @ 8:30pm on the Boston Neighborhood Network, Boston Channels (Comcast 23, RCN 83 & Verizon 1960).

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