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S3EP10: Poetically Driven ft. Amanda Shea & friends

Hi friends!

I hope April has been kind to you! Its been a month of great connections and fun projects for us here at ºF-TV!

April is National Poetry Month and if you're a big fan like us of slam poetry, then April is a blessing! Poetry has a way of making words bloom into deeper thoughts. They make us emotional, they shed light on our unique stories and moreover they make us feel something.

I remember going to my first poetry slam in college and feeling like I entered a whole new universe. The aura is the room is like no other. There's no judgement. There's no competitive nature. The energy is calm and the spirit is very much alive. As each poet makes their way to the microphone, they share their truths, their stories. Their powerful words, expressed with raw emotions, light up my life. Its so inspiring how they are able to uniquely and beautifully communicate their experiences and how it can very much relate to my life and others.

S3Ep10 | Guests and Crew Portrait

This month, I wanted to pay tribute to the art of the verse. Poets to me are unique beings on this earth and I am so lucky to know a few in our beautiful community. Amanda Shea is a gem! She's a multi-talented performing artist that is always on the go. Follow her on Instagram and you can find out about all of the events happening in Boston and the New England area. She's very involved and always curating events and spaces for artists to express themselves. Did I mention she's a dope MC!

I first met her at a spoken word/networking event in February 2016 where she eloquently shared her poetry to the audience. I remember being taken a back by the messages, her delivery and her energy! The things she shared on the mic, some experiences foreign to me, made me feel as if I was in her shoes. The art of the verse.

S3EP10| Host Farah Jeune interviews Amanda Shea

This month Amanda Shea graced our stage to talk about her journey as an Artist, her love for poetry and music and the importance of community. She also invited a group of talented Performing Artists to poetically bring the heat to the ºF-TV stage. One of our favorite scenes/experiences/blessings this Season!

On what inspired her to perform poetry

"Watching Richard Green and these people, command space and be able to be so vulnerable in their work and people like really relate to it, especially me, I'm like, 'they're telling my whole life!' I kinda want to make that impact."

On how her poetry has evolved and her current inspirations

"Now I'm more interested in social injustice. Anything that has to do with poverty, addiction, gentrification and identity is huge right now for me... That's what speaks to me right now is going deeper into my own self.

Amanda talked about the tough but necessary decision to become a full time artist and how it has effected not only her salary but her family. She said it had to happen in order for her to live in her truth. It has even inspired her kids to be more artistic as well. Her advice to other artists who may want to do the same or afraid to take a chance, "Face your fears!"

"While we're here on this earth, we have to walk in our truth and we really need to find our purpose. And I've always felt like being supportive of people is my purpose...That one person telling you, 'you are capable of this and I believe in you' and support you through that, you'll be amazed at how many people will thrive."

Amanda also conveyed that she encourages people to support the platforms that she's on. There's so many ways you can get involved and support our fellow community members such as;

1.) Buy a ticket to a show or event (even if you can't come) someone on a waiting list or who cannot afford it can really benefit from your generosity

2.) Repost/share events on social media (its super easy) and makes a difference!

3.) Word of Mouth aka the best gorilla marketing tool as Amanda expressed! Tell your friends and tell them to tell their friends!

Another way to support your friends is to invite them to platforms that you would love to see them shine on! Amanda did just that by inviting a group of talented artists, ranging in various musical skills, to produce a performance unlike anyother we've ever been blessed to have on the show!

Please tune in to witness the sounds and God-given talent of Rickey Thomas (a pianist who also plays other various instruments) and singers Eva Davenport, MaryAnn Murray and Jameel 'Karim' Johnson. All of these artists perform throughout our city, please show up and support them! MaryAnn and Karim both have revealed that they both have individual albums out now! Find them on Spotify, Apple Music and other streaming platforms. Eva and MaryAnn also have upcoming LIVE performances in May!

Keep up with all of the things these talented beings are doing by following them on social media.

Poet: @AmandaSheaAllDay

Music/Keys: @ReallyRickyISwear

Singers: @LyricsbyEva , @MaryAnnMurrayMusic & @Unsolicted_Thoughts_

As far Amanda, she's currently working on new ventures such as music production and some new projects this upcoming summer! We can't wait to see what this creative puts out for the world to see! Thank you Amanda for being a great role model, a dope artist and a big dreamer like us! Watch the FULL episode here and be sure to follow us @FarenheightTV on Instagram to see our fav clips and segments from the show.

We are so grateful to have 10 episodes so far this Season that have been beyond wonderful! #GodisGreat Thank you to our crew for making it possible!

S3EP10 | Studio Crew and Extraordinary Guests

Tune in to our next LIVE episode, Thursday May 23rd @ 8:30pm on The Boston Neighborhood Network. Boston Channels (Comcast 23, RCN 83 & Verizon 1960).

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