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L'artiste Jeune featured in 'All About the Arts' Magazine

Hi friends! Happy April! I hope the universe is keeping you in good spirits!

For me, I am focusing all month on leading with faith as I embark on my new freelance career! Its exciting and scary all at the same time but nonetheless a blessing.

This month, I am so excited to be featured in 'All About the Arts' Magazine! As many of you may know, I am an Artist and I love to create illustrations, paintings and more that celebrate my ancestors and empowers my peers.

In this interview with Janice Williams, a kind soul and the first person I actually met at the Boston Neighborhood Network where we film ºFarenheight TV, I had the chance to talk about my journey so far as an Artist. To be honest with you, it feels so good to claim that title with pride! I'm putting in the work and my faith in the universe to create beautiful things to uplift your spirit, reflect on history and live in your truth.

Read it here to learn more about my inspirations, my purpose as an artist and my new ventures for 2019 (including launching my own art website soon)!

As a growing artist, I am beyond thankful for opportunities like this and can't wait to share more exciting news with you!

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