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AfroPunk 2016!

#FBF to when i had the blessing to attend the best festival on earth, AFROPUNK in Brooklyn, NY! As soon as I arrived to the event, solo, excited & anxious, I felt like I was invited to an exclusive planet full of beautiful people in so many beautiful shades. The FASHION OMG lets just say "I wasn't ready"(Kevin Hart voice) I've never witnessed Black beauty to that extension EVER! #Blackgirlmagic,#blackboyfly was on a whole another level and it wasn't just their clothes, hairstyles, props or accessories that caught my attention, but their natural swag! You can tell that everyone felt relaxed and happy because they were being their natural beautiful selves! They had so many organizations partnering up to inform, educate and uplift the community, a factor I LOVE to see at events!

The people, the POSITIVE VIBES, the MUSIC.....can I just tell you how happy my soul was! I got to witness again the electric queen herself, Ms. Janelle Monae (who I swear has James Brown genes in her because the way she moves is electrifying!) I got to take a musical trip to the West Coast with "The Internet" and their cool, calm and dope rhythms. I got to witness one of the most legendary Hip Hop icons and producers, Mr. Ice Cube which was so beyond epic! He brought back the good old skool hip hop that I adore and he even invited some of the members from N.W.A. on stage and his cute TALENTED son o'Shea! It was unbelievable!! plus I got to listen to so many other cool genres of talented musicians so my musical librray has enhance immensly :D Normally I have no problem going to concerts solo but I must admit I was a little nervous to attend a festival alone, especially in another city BUT thats the beauty I learned of AFROPUNK, no one is excluded! You automatically are welcomed and will be accepted for who you are! Being at that festival with so many unique beautiful begings made me happy to be alive, happy to be BLACK and PROUD and happy to have the blessing to share such a cool experience with so many other cool souls!#GodisGreat I can't wait till next year and I hope YOU and your peers will attend! Its most definitely one of my favorite festivals ever! #year25 #summersixteen

As a HIV Youth Advocate, I care immensely about the health and wellness of my fellow peers. I encourage everyone to GET TESTED because your health matters! Find out places where you can get tested for free by visiting #afropunkbk2016 #youthadvocacy #year25#hivawareness

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