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We love SantiGOLD!

#TBT to the time I had the blessing to witness and experience the music of this amazing artist, Santigold.

Such a fun and positive concert! Cool beats that take you on a time machine back to the 80's mixed with some African inspired rhythms , electric waves and care-free lyrics! Santigold you are amazing! And her dancers...whoosh wish I was part of their cool clique! On warm weather days like this in the bean, I wish I had a car where I could pick a random destination, roll down my windows and jam out to the fun, funky tunes of this cool queen! #thebestroadtripmusicever For now my iPod (aka my best friend) will have to do, followed by my future membership with Zipcar lol

"The springs of our reaction to music lie deeper than thought… Part of what music allows me is the freedom to drift off into a reverie of my own, stimulated but not constrained by the inventions of the composer. And part of what I love about music is the way it relaxes the usual need to understand. Sometimes the pleasure of an artwork comes from not knowing,not understanding, not recognizing,"(Wendy Lesser).

Music has a way of healing the soul, speaking to the unguarded heart and making me have an internal Colgate smile! Thank you to @santigold for creating tunes that make people simply Happy :D

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