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My 1st Art a featured 'artist'

#‎Year25‬ has truly inspired me to go after my dream of becoming an artist🎨

My first art gallery submission was inspired by the Black Lives Matter Movement. Here is a short description.

Description: Artist and activist Nina Simone once quoted, "it's an artist duty to represent the times." As a new artist this message really effected me especially with the Black Lives Matter movement and the fight to end police brutality. When I see peers that look like me with their hands up, to me it means more than just don't shoot, it's a deep cry(that has carried on for generations) for freedom. With my love for music and poetry, I decided to incorporate these powerful messages into this painting. There are lyrics from musical geniuses, artists Kendrick Lamar, Janet Jackson and Lauryn Hill. As well as quotes from Maya Angelou's," I know why the caged bird sings" and civil rights activist Malcolm X. From afar it looks like this young man has tattoos but they're actually inner wounds.

If our souls could talk...

The left arm represents the struggles Black Americans go through in America such as mass incarceration, violence and the challenge of constantly getting silence by those who are privileged.

If our souls could talk...

The right arm represents things we need to diminish and work on in the black community such as diminishing colorism and working on more self pride, community and black excellence.

If our souls could talk...

I had a lot of fun creating this piece and I couldn't wait to see people's reactions, see it hung up in the gallery and join other talented artists in Jamaica Plain for the opening ceremony, Friday March. However....let's just say i got a bit of butterflies while I was there....

March 4th, 2016 - 7:23 p.m.

Dear someone,

I'm at my first gallery tonight...well my first gallery where I'm a featured artist. For #year25 I decided to be brave and really chase & pursue my artistic side. Feels so good but scary. Scary because I'm currently in a space surrounded by so much beauty,inspiration...but I fear what others may think of my work. I'm thinking of going and standing next to it but I prefer to sit on the side and watch people's reactions. It's so scary, I don't like the feeling of all these nerves....awww lol but I gotta be brave. I'll walk up to it eventually but right now all I could think about are things I should have worked on more..... The perfectionist in me is creeping up,best I stay on the side, get my confidence back,put on my big girl panties and walk to it!! In like 5, no 10 mins I'll go that. Ffff it I'll do it now #eyeofthetiger 😼

After this, I decided to post my feelings on social media. I needed an extra pep talk. The amount of love I received from my friends really boosted my confidence. Beyond grateful for their words, ALWAYS <3

What I learned is to always be your biggest fan and never underestimate ones-self. Sometimes when you're trying something NEW, it could make you feel uncomfortable, afraid or like me, beyond nervous but those nerves are good! It shows that you care and as the book 'The Alchemist' shares, "when you want something, the universe conspires to help you achieve it" (you juts have to listen to the omens)😊

Its never too late to dream big😊Put your heart,mind and soul to whatever is it that makes you happy and do it with a audacious spirit because YOU GOT THIS!

I hope to continue to add more pieces into this collection and really channel the list of artists I love that used their art for social change.

Can't wait to create! #Year25

‪#‎artwashesfromthesoulthedustofeverydaylife‬‪#‎ufgActivism‬ ‪#‎bosarts‬ ‪#‎jamaicaplain‬ ‪#‎artsinboston‬ ‪#‎art‬ ‪#‎activism‬ ‪#‎peace‬‪ #artforsocialchange #blacklivesmatter

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