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A letter to some of my community sheroes S2Ep3: Building Our Sisterhood

Dear Irvienne, Myia, Sharon & Shea Rose,

I hope you all are having a wonderful week so far!

Today, I was having a throwback-kind-of-Tuesday where I sat and thought about what the definition of sisterhood means to me....

Below is a picture I captured during my adventurous, life changing trip to Senegal, West Africa my junior year of college. I remember taking the daily 23 minute walk, back n fourth, to the well to fetch water. The blazing sun, dry air and tunes of laughter as I walked alongside these beautiful, strong women made me feel so lucky to be surrounded by greatness. Their kindness, resilience, selfless attitude to nurture, educate and inspire a stranger (who spoke not one word of the language) about the importance of sisterhood and love; they were and still are my superwomen. I wish I could have verbally expressed my appreciation but the connection and definitely the memories are much stronger than words could ever express.

I look at the picture below this one and think the exact same thing. "Superwomen!' Women who have so many titles outside their careers, who naturally care, uplift, educate, help, heal their sisters around them. Who are bold, unapologetic intellects, passionate about what they do and still, despite the adversities they may face, even unspoken, they hold a special power within them that is too strong, too fierce, too cool for anyone to dare fit them in a box. Even the word 'queen' is too weak to fully describe your greatness.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for allowing me to be part of your sisterhood and inviting my viewers into your world. I had so much fun, gained so much knowledge and wisdom from all of you that I truly feel extremely blessed to not only know all of you, but to be around your greatness. You are all role models who young grasshoppers like me inspire to be!

Again I am FULL with gratitude to every one of you and I really hope we can continue to have these powerful, important discussions. I am currently trying to work on a series to do just that! I'll forward you more info very soon! But I have to honestly say that since this episode, I've never felt more determined, excited and inspired to go after my dream of becoming a full time artist and producer. THANK YOU for giving me that courage and wearing and sharing your greatness flawlessly. #BlackGirlMagic



Watch the full episode of our powerful panel discussion at

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