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A songversation with Ms. India Arie

And now for another Farenheight review…Last night I had the blessing to have a songversation with Ms. India Arie. whooooo my god, where do I begin to describe how happy my soul is…she’s just THE BEST!

Writing this post causes me to have a full Colgate smile right now 😁 her music, the honest, pure, loving sound of it just makes you feel alive! It makes you feel like you have purpose. Like there’s still good in the world, in humanity, in life! India has always been one of the most rarest artists today who write with purpose, with a message not only to spread love and positivity but to inspire others to do so as well. And she’s so funny, her natural charisma on stage, her realness with the audience, her talented band, her style (child she was slaying in this dress #goddess) she’s a QUEEN! What I love most about the show was that it was a Christmas special! Imagine hearing all of your favorite holiday hits sung with a twist (jazz, funk, rhythm &blues, that deep southern soul that makes your heart literally beat with the bass) hmmm it was sooooooooo good!!! Seeing the diverse crowd of music lovers from young to old smiling with joy and closing their eyes to the sounds of this unique voice as it spread through their veins… that’s when you know the music is real! it speaks, heals and communicates boldly, whispers ease and true happpiness.

Ms. India Arie makes me feel proud to be a woman, a black woman, a person who unapologetic-ly loves herself, knows her worth and lives out loud! Thank you for always being a great role model, an artist I will forever admire! If you have the blessing to go see this queen LIVE, your soul will be will be UPLIFTED for life :D This was the best way to start off my week, my life lol feeling great, tired, but nonetheless wonderful lol Best concert of the year, thank you to my great friends for experiencing this incredible memory with me <3 thinking god, the universe and inspiring intellects like India, for giving me the opportunity to witness greatness, magic and true passion with my eyes, ears and heart


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