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Mr. Joy :D

Day 15: Tonight I had the blessing of attending Daniel Beaty’s play, “Mr. Joy.” I am still a bit shook up and speechless after seeing this play but it was the best play I’ve ever seen !

“Mr. Joy tells the story about a Chinese shoe repair man who does more than fix soles, he inspires souls. Told brilliantly through the eyes of the nine different characters, we learn how this man puts a little faith in all of these characters despite the complex and tragic world’s they live in.

It was thought provoking, honest,funny,sad, tense, puzzling, raw and all the more absolutely amazing! Tangela Large, the young and talented actress who portrayed all nine of these characters deserves every high award in the books, she was perfect and phenomenal👏

At the end of the show,the director invited the audience to stay to have an open dialogue about the play. one of the questions he asked was if anyone felt hopeful after seeing the play. I answered yes because plays like these allow us to understand other people’s narratives. It allows us to listen, I mean really listen to the voices of unsung human beings that the media often dehumanizes. It allows us to have difficult conversations regarding race, class, injustice, inequality and issues happening in our own background in order to create actions that fix these issues. It allows us to understand the root of the cause rather than allows us to understand ourselves. It allows us to talk and understand how connected we are. It allows us to one day HOPEFULLY make changes that will stick!

I am so beyond grateful and continue to be inspired by artists like Daniel, like Tangela like the director in the entire crew that created such a masterpiece to really open up people’s ears eyes and hearts to what’s going on in our world.

To @artsemerson and @justinmspringer I wish I really could fully explain all the emotions and thoughts I had about this epic and phenomenal play, but if I could say one thing I would say thank you 😊

Please please please go see this play!! it’s playing now until this Sunday October 18th get your tickets before they’re all gone :-)


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