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My first opera: The Magic Flute: Isango Ensemble|South Africa :D

Feeling lifted after seeing "The Magic Flute: Isango Ensemble|South Africa" opera! I now understand why people in movies have that beautiful twinkle in their eyes after opera's, this production was BEYOND cool,BEYOND creative, BEYOND anything I could imagine!! It told Shakespeare's classic story of two people deeply in love but torn by the evils that surround them!

The cast was funny,colorful,remarkable and oh-so-figured in every essence! But the LIVE MUSIC.....whoooo, Africa always does it best!! The only and best opera I've ever been to,wishing I could 're-live it again!!!

Thanks to @Arts Emerson for the wonderful opportunity! Special shot out to @justinmspringer Feeling elevated,inspired,happy, tearful, all the above lol hoping I'll be able to visit Africa once more in the future!!

Please go see it,in Boston until October 26th!! ‪#‎artlivesoutloud

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